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History of the CSRA Women's Tennis League:
  Captain's Info & Guide
  Captain's Meeting Minutes
  Rules of Tennis
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Please read the Code of Tennis
before your first match.

The purpose of the league has remained constant throughout its entire existence. The league was formed in the mid-70’s for the purpose of providing an opportunity for play in an organized framework.

The original teams in the league were Augusta Country Club, Augusta Tennis Center, Forest Hills Racquet Club, West Lake Country Club, North Augusta Country Club, Court Jesters Fermata, and Houndslake Country Club. In the ensuing years, teams from Montclair, Goshen, Petersburg Racquet Club, Fleming Park, and Woodside Country Club have joined the league.

The original guidelines for joining the league have been modified throughout the years. Originally, it required fielding a full complement of teams on two levels, obtaining a ¾ vote of League Board Representatives, entering the league at the beginning of a league year, and providing a minimum of three courts available for play. This has been changed to require fielding one full squad on any level, obtaining a 2/3 Board vote, providing a minimum of 6/5 courts, and entering the league at the beginning of a league season.

The original requirement was that each club must begin its play with the A level, and proceed with consecutive level play as teams were available. This requirement has been modified to allow clubs to field a team at any level, with the added provision that more than one team may be fielded per level. Currently there are three levels (A, B, and C.)

The scheduling process has evolved through the years—from the original stipulation that clubs would play each other on a rotating schedule during the league year, with one match per month. The captains had the responsibility for scheduling the match. The current situation is that now there are two seasons, and the entire schedule is done by the Board.

The original stipulation was that matches would be 2 out of 3 sets, with a 9 point tiebreaker at 6-6. That has been changed to a 12 point Coman tiebreaker. Third set is now a 10-point Coman tiebreaker.

Dues were 50 cents per year in the first year; and now are $11 per season.

A change in the permanent rules required a ¾ majority in the first draft of the Bylaws. Now it requires a 2/3 majority.

The original Board had 3 officers: a President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The job of Secretary/Treasurer had been combined, and some of the responsibilities of the President had been delegated to the Secretary/Treasurer. The Board now exists of the President, Vice President, 2 Secretaries, Treasurer, and immediate Past President.

Methods of determining the ladders of the member clubs has always been left to the individual clubs. The league has insisted only that the teams be fielded in order of strength and no sandbagging.

In the early days of the league, the home captain was to call in the scores to the President. The procedure now is that each captain must either mail, or send via the internet, the scorecards to the appointed Division Secretary.

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